

Formula 1 Pick10 Registration


Formula 1 Pick10 Registration

Use this page to register for all the Pick12 competitions. Enter your e-mail address (and confirm it), your password, your nationality and your contact preferences. You can update all but your player name at a later stage.
Player Information
Confirm E-Mail:
Now for your nationality, for those of you with an international background, choose the nationality that best fits you - this could be where you live, or where you were born. This information is only used for the Nations' cup. If you don't want to reveal your nationality, use the "None" option.
E-Mail Options:
Use the following selection to choose the level of E-Mail you get from us. Some players have expressed a preference for less e-mail from the competition. The default is to get reminders and results by e-mail, but you can opt to just get the results, or no e-mail at all.
If you wish to continue using this information click on the button below, otherwise use your browser's Back button to return to the Login screen.