Welcome to the 2012 F1 ESP Competition
18th November 2012 United States Greg England is in the overall lead.
4th November 2012 Abu Dhabi Greg England is in the overall lead.
28th October 2012 India Greg England is in the overall lead.
14th October 2012 Korea Greg England is in the overall lead.
7th October 2012 Japan Cristian Muñoz Cabezas is in the overall lead.
23rd September 2012 Singapore Cristian Muñoz Cabezas is in the overall lead.
9th September 2012 Italy Andre Vieira is in the overall lead.
2nd September 2012 Belgium Rocket Daldoss is in the overall lead.
29th July 2012 Hungary Nicholas Prato is in the overall lead.
22nd July 2012 Germany Rocket Daldoss in the overall lead.
8th July 2012 Europe Nicholas Prato is in the overall lead.
24th June 2012 Europe Brett M. Waldrep is in the overall lead.
10th June 2012 Canada Cristian Muñoz Cabezas is in the overall lead.
27th May 2012 Monaco Nicholas Prato is in the overall lead.
13th May 2012 Spain Andre Vieira is in the lead.
22nd April 2012 Bahrain Ted Powell is in the lead.
15th April 2012 China Rohan Harrison is in the lead.
25th March 2012 Malaysia Victor Vallejo is in the lead.
19th March 2012 Australia Johnnie Kacsala is in the lead after the first round of the Formula 1 ESP Championship.