Welcome to the 2014 F1 ESP Competition
23rd November 2014 Brazil The 2014 Formula 1 ESP Champion is Doris Ng.
9th November 2014 Brazil Doris Ng is in the overall lead.
2nd November 2014 United States Doris Ng is in the overall lead.
12th October 2014 Russia Doris Ng is in the overall lead.
5th October 2014 Japan Doris Ng is in the lead.
21st September 2014 Singapore Doris Ng is in the lead.
7th September 2014 Italy Paul Jasper is in the lead.
24th August 2014 Belgium Paul Jasper is in the lead.
27th July 2014 Hungary Paul Jasper is in the lead.
20th July 2014 Germany Paul Jasper is in the lead.
6th July 2014 Great Britain Paul Jasper is in the lead.
22nd June 2014 Austria Paul Jasper is in the lead.
8th June 2014 Canada Paul Jasper is in the lead.
11th May 2014 Spain Doris Ng is in the lead.
20th April 2014 China Thane Pressman is in the lead.
6th April 2014 Bahrain Paul Jasper is in the lead.
30th March 2014 Bahrain Torbjorn Bergheim is in the lead.
16th March 2013 Australia Paul Jasper is in the lead after the opening race.
4th March 2014 Contests are now open.